Imitating specialization with OIBITs

Why does the code below compile?

use std::thread;

struct Chinchilla(&'static str);

fn main() {
    let chinchilla = Chinchilla("Flora");

    thread::spawn(move || {
        println!("{}", chinchilla.0);

where T: Send

One would be completely sane to ask why shouldn't that code compile?? - and so in order to understand why our initial question makes sense, let our journey begin with a quick look-up on the definition of std::thread::spawn :

pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
    F: FnOnce() -> T,
    F: Send + 'static,
    T: Send + 'static,
    // ...

Among all the noise (types, duh!), one bound might catch an astute reader's attention: F: Send.

Send is a trait used to determine which types can travel across so-called thread boundary - in other words: values of types that implement the Send trait can be created on thread A and then safely moved into thread B and dropped there.

Most of the values (e.g. those of type String or Vec<u8>) are perfectly safe to be moved willy-nilly from one thread to another, but there exist a few that require extra care - for instance Rc .

Rc provides simple garbage-collector-like semantics: when you invoke Rc::clone(), it doesn't actually clone the value contained inside it - instead, it keeps track of how many Rc-s are alive (with Rc::clone() increasing that counter and Rc::drop() decreasing) and it's only when that internal counter gets down to zero (i.e. when the last Rc gets out of the scope) that the contained value gets dropped.

Rc, contrary to Arc, keeps track of those remaining instances by using a non-atomic counter - non-atomic meaning "unsafe to access from many threads at the same time", and the way Rust protects us from shooting our feet is by making Rc not implement Send:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let value = Rc::new(
        "c-rustacean is a Rust programmer who likes C better"

    // ok: `Rc::clone()` happens on the same thread as `Rc::new()`
    let value2 = Rc::clone(&value);

    thread::spawn(move || {
        drop(value2); // err

// error[E0277]: `Rc<&str>` cannot be sent between threads safely
//    --> src/
//     |
// 12  |       thread::spawn(move || {
//     |  _____^^^^^^^^^^^^^_-
//     | |     |
//     | |     `Rc<&str>` cannot be sent between threads safely
// 13  | |         drop(value2); // err
// 14  | |     });
//     | |_____- within this `[closure@src/ 14:6]`
//     |
//     = help: within `[closure@src/ 14:6]`, the
//             trait `Send` is not implemented for `Rc<&str>`
//     = note: required because it appears within the type
//             `[closure@src/ 14:6`

Though the message might be a bit cryptic (especially if you're not used to working with multi-threading in Rust), the most important part stands out, yelling: Rc<&str> cannot be sent between threads safely.

In order for our code to work, we would have to use Send-implementing Arc<&str> - a type that has been designed from ground-up to be multithreading-friendly by leaning on atomic counters.


So far we've talked about the role Send plays in Rust's standard library, but actually the most captivating fact about this trait is that, contrary to most of the other traits, this one's implemented automatically by the compiler!

You don't have to take my word for it - check out this code :

use std::fmt::Display;

struct Chinchilla(&'static str);

fn assert_display(_: impl Display) {

fn assert_send(_: impl Send) {

fn main() {

// error[E0277]: `Chinchilla` doesn't implement `Display`
//   --> src/
//    |
// 5  | fn assert_display(_: impl Display) {
//    |                           ------- required by this bound
//    |                                   in `assert_display`
// ...
// 14 |     assert_display(Chinchilla("Flora"));
//    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Since we didn't provide impl Display for Chinchilla, our assert_display(…​) fails - that's reasonable.

But we didn't provide impl Send for Chinchilla either, so shouldn't assert_send(…​) fail, too?

As it turns out , some of our Rust's traits are opt-out instead of opt-in - that is: some traits are implemented automatically for all types unless you (or, in some cases, compiler) opt-out of them via impl !Trait for Type (yeah, that's an exclamation mark).

Such traits are called OIBITs, standing for opt-in built-in traits - eventually though that name was found to be confusing and the whole feature was renamed into auto traits, so we'll go with the latter from now on.

Auto traits

Regular traits are opt-in, meaning that they don't apply unless you explicitly provide an impl Trait for Type:

trait Foo {

impl Foo for &str {

fn test(_: impl Foo) {

fn main() {
    test(123); // err: the trait bound ... is not satisfied
    test("hi!"); // ok

Auto traits, on the other hand, are opt-out:


auto trait Foo {

impl !Foo for &str {

fn test(_: impl Foo) {

fn main() {
    test(123); // ok
    test("hi!"); // err: the trait bound ... is not satisfied

Since auto traits cannot contain methods or associated items:

auto trait Foo {
    type Type; // err
    fn function(&self); // err

... they function as so-called marker traits.

While regular traits provide behavior (e.g. methods), marker traits determine properties of values of given types.

For instance Send is a great example of a marker trait, as it's used to determine whether a value of given type can be sent into another thread, without providing any behavior on its own (i.e. Send exists purely as a compile-time type helper).

We can even see how Send is defined by taking a look into the standard library:

pub unsafe auto trait Send {
    // empty.

... additionally, in std/alloc/ we can find that:

impl<T: ?Sized> !Send for Rc<T> {}

See, no magic!

To finish this section on auto traits, let's just walk through the most important rule related to this mechanism: for a type to implement an auto trait, none of its fields must be of type that has been impl !-d, i.e.:


auto trait Arbitrary {

impl !Arbitrary for &str {

// implements `Arbitrary`
struct Yass;

// implements `Arbitrary`
struct Foo {
    value: usize,

// doesn't implement `Arbitrary`
struct Bar {
    value: &'static str,

// doesn't implement `Arbitrary` because `value_2` of type `Bar`
// doesn't implement `Arbitrary` too
struct Zar {
    value_1: Foo,
    value_2: Bar,

(as always, you can find more information in the RFC .)


Let's stash all that boring-auto-trait-knowledge somewhere else for now and imagine we're in a Silicon Valley, starting a brand-new start-up - surely the first thing we've gotta do is to invent a brand-new file format: we're too cool for XML and JSON is already the story of the past (No Code, anyone?).

And so we open emacs, writing lines that will become the very first three of our monolithic microservice's:

trait Serialize {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String);

Seizing the day, let's add a blanket impl for serialize(), to make our lives easier during testing:

trait Serialize {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String);

    fn serialize(&self) -> String {
        let mut buffer = String::new();
        self.serialize_in_place(&mut buffer);

Our investors say that we're going to be crunching lots of booleans, so why don't we start with them:

impl Serialize for bool {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {
        if *self {
        } else {

fn test_bool() {
    assert_eq!("b(true)", true.serialize());
    assert_eq!("b(false)", false.serialize());

They were saying something about strings attached too, so:

impl Serialize for &str {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {

fn test_str() {
    assert_eq!("s(hummus)", "hummus".serialize());

Obviously, a single string or a boolean is of no use - we're professional programmers, so a plethora of Vec<T> is more than certain to appear:

impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {

        for (item_idx, item) in self.iter().enumerate() {
            if item_idx > 0 {
                buffer.push_str(", ");



fn test_vec() {
        "v(b(true), b(false))",
        vec![true, false].serialize(),

        "v(s(foo), s(bar))",
        vec!["foo", "bar"].serialize(),

Great - our code, though rudimentary, is already able to serialize an infinite number of types: bool, &str, Vec<bool>, Vec<&str>, Vec<Vec<…​>> and so on.

While venture cash's flowin', we might optimize our format by adding a dedicated (specialized) impl only for Vec<bool>, so that it's serialized in a more compact way than regular Vec<T>.

That is: instead of storing vec![true, true, false, false] as v(b(true), b(true), b(false), b(false)), we could use a bitset instead: vb(12) (12_dec = 1100_bin).

So let's do just that, simply by adding another impl for Vec<bool>:

impl Serialize for Vec<bool> {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {

// error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `Serialize`
//               for type `Vec<bool>`:
//   --> src/
//    |
// 29 | impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize {
//    | -------------------------------- first implementation here
// ...
// 45 | impl Serialize for Vec<bool> {
//    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation
//                                   for `Vec<bool>`

... and wait, what's that error message?

The compiler says we've got conflicting implementations: Serialize is already implemented for Vec<T> and our Vec<bool> overlaps that implementation, yielding the compiler unable to tell which code is the one we actually want to invoke.

Nightly Rust offers a dedicated solution to this problem: a feature called specialization .

Specialization allows for methods and associated items to be marked as default, making it possible for downstream impls to override them; in our case, we'd have to mark Vec<T>-'s serialize_in_place() as default, like so:

impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize {
    default fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {
        // this is the default implementation for all `Vec`-s

impl Serialize for Vec<bool> {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {
        // this is a dedicated implementation only for `Vec<bool>`

Specialization is the state of the art solution for this kind of issues, but it's actually not the only one - as the title of this article says: it's, to some degree, possible to imitate specialization with auto traits.

Specialization with auto traits

Since the issue with our current implementation:

impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize {
    /* ... */

... is that it overlaps with Vec<bool> (as bool: Serialize is met), what we want to achieve is more or less:

impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize, T != bool {
    /* ... */

Though Rust doesn't support the != operator in this position, a similar outcome can be achieved via auto traits; for starters, let's create one:

auto trait BlanketVecImpl {

... and un-implement it for bool:

impl !BlanketVecImpl for bool {

We can then adjust our previous impl for Vec<T> to say:

impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize + BlanketVecImpl {
    /* ... */

Voilà - this impl provides a Serialize for all Vec<T> except Vec<bool>, which we now can provide manually:

impl Serialize for Vec<bool> {
    /* ... */

The Code

The entire solution leans on two nightly features: auto_traits & negative_impls, and while I wouldn't recommend to use it in production code, it serves quite an educational purpose and was a fun piece of code to write:


trait Serialize {
    fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String);

    fn serialize(&self) -> String {
        let mut buffer = String::new();
        self.serialize_in_place(&mut buffer);

mod bool {
    use super::*;

    impl Serialize for bool {
        fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {
            if *self {
            } else {

    fn test_bool() {
        assert_eq!("b(true)", true.serialize());
        assert_eq!("b(false)", false.serialize());

mod str {
    use super::*;

    impl Serialize for &str {
        fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {

    fn test_str() {
        assert_eq!("s(hummus)", "hummus".serialize());

mod vec {
    use super::*;
    use std::fmt::Write;

    pub auto trait BlanketVecImpl {

    impl !BlanketVecImpl for bool {

    impl BlanketVecImpl for Vec<bool> {

    impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T> where T: Serialize + BlanketVecImpl {
        fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {

            for (item_idx, item) in self.iter().enumerate() {
                if item_idx > 0 {
                    buffer.push_str(", ");



    impl Serialize for Vec<bool> {
        fn serialize_in_place(&self, buffer: &mut String) {
            let mut bits = 0u8;

            if self.len() > 8 {
                unimplemented!("what is this, big-data?");

            for (item_idx, &item) in self.iter().rev().enumerate() {
                if item {
                    bits |= 1 << item_idx;

            write!(buffer, "vb({})", bits).unwrap();

    fn test_vec() {
            vec![true, true, false, false].serialize(),

            "v(vb(2), vb(1))",
            vec![vec![true, false], vec![false, true]].serialize(),

            "v(s(foo), s(bar))",
            vec!["foo", "bar"].serialize(),