
wait, why (??): Surprising corners of Rust - part 2 🎥

Rust Wrocław

Even though Rust strives for simplicity, it's got a couple of surprising corners and edge cases.

In this talk I'm going to show you what makes impl Drop super-special, what's the difference between using Self and the type's name, what's the deal with #[derive] and trait bounds, and many others things that I've stumbled upon.

(r)IDE on a (t)IDE with my IDE: Why Emacs + Rust? 🎥

Rust Wrocław

Since I spent most of my days looking at a text editor, I've had the chance of going through lots of programs, plugins, IDEs and ideas - some better, some worse.

In this talk I'm going to show you what I've learned and how a typical day in my editor looks like. I'll also show you lots of tricks that make working with code, Git and filesystem easier, less error-prone and more comfortable.

wait, why (??): Surprising corners of Rust - part 1 🎥

Rust Wrocław

Even though Rust strives for simplicity, it's got a couple of surprising corners and edge cases.

In this talk I'm going to show you the difference between .filter_map() and .flat_map(), what's the deal with const FOO: AtomicUsize and many others things that I've stumbled upon.

Microdosing Rust: Why & How to Get Started with AVR? 🎥

Rust Wrocław

AVRs are charming microcontrollers which can survive more than 300 days on a single AA battery, lying on anything - from cold ice to sizzling stones.

They can communicate with both high-level machines such as computers and low-level peripherals like humidity meters, which makes them neat, satisfying MCUs to play with -- and they can be programmed in Rust!

Fantastic Actors and Where to Find Them: Actor system from scratch 🎥

Rust Wrocław